Scripture Reading - Hebrews 6:10

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. KJV

Work is you showing up on the job and being there physically, but your labour of love is purely spiritual. God’s Love is the heavenly substance you’re made of, remember God is love and He is inside of you. Our mission and goal should always be to let His Love flow out of us abundantly, that is performed through God’s Grace. God has entrusted us to allow His Love to flow to those who cross our path. Some ways that we can let our labour of love minister to others may be a smile, a helping hand, helping someone with their kids, being there for someone when they really need you, or a listening ear to a hurting soul. Displaying acts of kindness is one way of showing God’s Love. As Christians we must continue to go out of our way to love those coming and going through the doors of our life. You never know what a smile or a kind gesture could minister to that special person. You don’t know what someone could be going through or facing but you can be certain with God you have their answer. Be encouraged that God sees and knows all and He is also there to help you love others. It takes you and God labouring together to effectively minister the Love of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Today and this week will you especially be aware and look for opportunities to minister God’s Love to those who cross your paths.

God remembers us therefore we must remember others.